After the Clinical Procedures



It is a composition of ingredients supporting horses’ convalescence and recovery after serious clinical procedures and treatments.
The supplement is a unique source of vitamins, essential amino acids, and valuable active substances.
It contains a unique biological carrier that significantly supports the high absorption of nutrients in the horses’ diet.
It is exhibiting efficient anti-inflammatory properties and supports proper digestion and improves proficiency and condition, through its participation in the synthesis of creatine.
Protect against free radicals and have a significant impact on the proper functioning of muscle fibers and the musculoskeletal system.

  • After the clinical procedures and treatments.
  • With low immunity and symptoms of physical weakness.
  • In the period of convalescence and full fitness restoration.

It is recommended to continue with this product for the duration of clinical procedures and recovery.
10 g/100 Kg of body weight (Standard Dose: 50 g Daily).

Additional information


Feed Additives.

Withdrawal Period



ULTRA HORSE-RECOVERY is packed in a 5 Kg Bucket.


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